
Pathway student degree online

It's been two weeks failing to do my assignments because of duo authentication is not sending passcode to my device so that I that I can login and do my assignments. I will be happy if you help me this technical error.
1 Answer
Geoffrey Dzowa Last activity on 11/27/2023 11:01:06 AM by Jacob Hamm

Grad Planner Glitch

When I try to change my major in Grad Planner, I am able to select the new major, but then it won't generate any content. I have waited for 10 minutes and nothing else loads. It seems to want me to select a catalog year, but I have no way to do i...
1 Answer
Jill Rasmussen Last activity on 10/27/2023 1:45:11 PM by Ron Vallejo

Microsoft Excel Account

When I try to sign into my school account on Excel it says "we can't connect you".
1 Answer
Melissa Ann Gibbs Last activity on 10/24/2023 8:19:29 AM by Nate Wilkinson

Sound on recordings

How do I get the sound on videos used in my zoom recording to work.
1 Answer
Deisha McMurray Last activity on 10/19/2023 4:07:28 PM by Rebecca Beck

Signing into Campus computers with BYU-I credentials

While attempting to sign-in to campus computers (more specifically in-class systems that are connected to projectors). It says it has an ethernet connection as I attempt to sign-in with my BYU-I credentials. After attempting to sign-in it says th...
1 Answer
Jacob Strong Last activity on 9/27/2023 11:53:14 AM by Nate Wilkinson

Zoom Cloud Recordings

How can I find my Zoom Cloud Recordings? When I go to my Zoom account it says, "Your IT admin has disabled the access to your recordings page, you can contact IT admin for more details".
1 Answer
Cody Murdock Last activity on 6/12/2023 4:36:14 PM by Cody Murdock