Duo App
It's been over a week trying to access my Duo code to no avail. I've downloaded the mobile app et cetera. What do I do?
Asked by Malvin Shinga
on Tue 1/9/24 12:27 AM
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Answer (1)
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Rebecca Beck
Tue 1/9/24 8:02 AM
For steps on how to sign into the duo app, the Activating or Re-Activating DUO article will help walk you through the process. If you already have your current phone number linked to your duo account, you will be able to complete this process on your own. If not, you will need to call or chat in with the IT Service Desk, and they can assist you in activating the Duo mobile app.
Phone: (208) 496-9009
Chat: Use the speech bubble icon in the bottom right of this screen to start a live chat with IT.
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