Grad Planner Glitch

When I try to change my major in Grad Planner, I am able to select the new major, but then it won't generate any content. I have waited for 10 minutes and nothing else loads. It seems to want me to select a catalog year, but I have no way to do it. I have tried this on both my laptop and phone with the same results. This is time-sensitive, because I need to made decisions before Winter registration.

Asked by Jill Rasmussen on Fri 10/27/23 12:27 PM
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Ron Vallejo Fri 10/27/23 1:45 PM

Hi Jill, thank you for the question! According to Academic Advising, this program is no longer being offered, which probably explains why it's not showing up for you. Please feel free to reach out to us again, if you have any issues. 


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