Duo Phone/Authentication (Public)

Duo is BYU-Idaho's authentication system. Please ask question here regarding this category

Add another number

Please, help me how to add another number to receive the code to enter in my portal, I am outside of my country for two weeks, and my original number Is not active in other country, I need to add another one , How can do that? -
1 Answer
Tanya Toala Last activity on 6/7/2024 8:09:11 AM by Rebecca Theis

Duo App

It's been over a week trying to access my Duo code to no avail. I've downloaded the mobile app et cetera. What do I do?
1 Answer
Malvin Shinga Last activity on 1/9/2024 8:02:08 AM by Rebecca Theis

Pathway student degree online

It's been two weeks failing to do my assignments because of duo authentication is not sending passcode to my device so that I that I can login and do my assignments. I will be happy if you help me this technical error.
1 Answer
Geoffrey Dzowa Last activity on 11/27/2023 11:01:06 AM by Jacob Hamm

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