Dou on my new device
I need assistance since my new Ipad device don't have Dou App. My IPhone has the Dou mobile app but I will return this to my company and I can no longer access once I will return the IPhone. I tried to set up the Dou on my new device but to no avail. Please assist me on this. Thank you.
Asked by Christian Yongco
on Thu 10/24/24 12:17 AM
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Rebecca Beck
Fri 10/25/24 8:11 AM
Hey Christian, thanks for your question! To set up the Duo app on your new iPad, you can follow the instructions in the Activating or Re-Activating DUO help guide. If you run into any issues as you follow this process, feel free to contact the IT Service Desk. To chat with them, click the chat button in the bottom left of this page then click "Message us." Or call at (208)496-9009.
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