Search51 Results

-Important technical information for students moved from BYU-Pathway Worldwide to BYU-Idaho Online
-Support Information
- This article guides you on how to sign into your Zoom account with the Single Sign On (SSO)
- SSO is important because it gives you more benefits through the school compared to the free version
- Common questions about Office 365 through BYU-I
- How Do I Sign In?
- What is phishing?
- Keeping an eye out for phishing signs
- How to Access
- Downloading vs using through a browser
- How to Sign-in/Sign-out
- How do I share a recording from Zoom?
- Where do I find the recording in Zoom?
- How long does it take for a recording to show up in MyMedia from Zoom?
- Can I submit a recording from Zoom in Canvas for an assignment?
- Why should I login with single sign-on for Zoom?
- Do browser extensions work with Zoom and MyMedia?
- Are there any conflicts with antivirus software with Zoom and MyMedia?
- What could happen if I get a virus or malware?
- How to login as a PathwayConnect Student
- How to login as a Pathway Worldwide Student
Tells how to fix the "no editing on a mac" error.
Involves uninstalling and reinstalling the software.
- Install and log in steps
- Adobe on a personal device
- Adobe on a school issued computer
- Retirees returning apple devices
- Removing Apple devices from your Apple account
- Adding a signature note
- Adding a highlight note
- Adding a graphic note
- Microsoft desktop apps
- BYUI campus devices
- Password repositories
- Internet browsers
- Other software requiring BYU-Idaho credentials
- How to get Office 365 for free
-Information regarding the privacy and laws for student accounts (FERPA)
-Cases when a missionary cannot access the internet for school purposes
-Description of the Missionary Privacy Release form and the required process
- With the desktop app
- With the mobile app