Other (Public)

Please ask questions here that do not apply to any of the available categories. Other categories will be made as needed.

What happens to my files?

What happens to my files after I graduate? Will I still have access to my cloud? Emails? Etc?
How does that work?
1 Answer
Michelle Neser Last activity on 7/23/2024 8:38:52 AM by Rebecca Theis

Software Center forced Updates

I think this will be the third time in two weeks that this has gone through our office. We are a call center. Is there a better time of day this can be done?
1 Answer
Carlisa Craft Last activity on 6/28/2024 11:56:11 AM by Rebecca Theis

portal.azure.com licensed student benefits?

I ask my students to:
sign in to portal.azure.com, then under Access Student Benefits , tap [Explore], then under Learning Resources , tap Software, then expect them to download, install and license a software item used in m...
1 Answer
Carl Gibbons Last activity on 3/12/2024 3:25:58 PM by Rebecca Theis

Internshp approval link is not working

It appears that the internship approval link is not working. I get a blank screen or a "circle of death".
1 Answer
Carrie Briscoe Last activity on 1/12/2024 5:01:16 PM by Jacob Hamm

Grad Planner Glitch

When I try to change my major in Grad Planner, I am able to select the new major, but then it won't generate any content. I have waited for 10 minutes and nothing else loads. It seems to want me to select a catalog year, but I have no way to do i...
1 Answer
Jill Rasmussen Last activity on 10/27/2023 1:45:11 PM by Ron Vallejo

Microsoft Excel Account

When I try to sign into my school account on Excel it says "we can't connect you".
1 Answer
Melissa Ann Gibbs Last activity on 10/24/2023 8:19:29 AM by Nate Wilkinson