Software Center forced Updates

I think this will be the third time in two weeks that this has gone through our office. We are a call center. Is there a better time of day this can be done?

Asked by Carlisa Craft on Fri 6/28/24 8:57 AM Last edited Fri 6/28/24 8:57 AM
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Answer (1)

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Rebecca Theis Fri 6/28/24 11:56 AM

Thanks for your question Carlisa! There is a way to change the settings so that automatic updates only happen outside of your office hours. To do so, open Software Center and then click "Options" from the menu on the left. Open the "Computer maintenance" section and check the box next to the top option (as shown in the screenshot below). Then, make sure that the business hours and days in the "Work information" section are accurate to when your team is in the office and taking calls. If you do this on all the computers that have been automatically updating, it should fix the issue. 

If for any reason you are unable to follow this process, have other questions, or this fix doesn't solve your issue, please either reply to this comment or give us at call at (208) 496-9009 and we'd be happy to help.

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