This tutorial will guide you through asking for and/or setting up a shared email account for your department. Before you request a new @byui.edu address, use the chart below to determine whether a shared mailbox or a Microsoft 365 Group will best fit your needs.
Shared Mailbox |
Microsoft 365 Group |
Multiple Recipients |
No/Multiple Users |
Yes |
Threaded Conversations |
Yes |
Yes |
Creation/Management |
IT Required |
Self-Service |
Nestability (can contain other objects within) |
No |
No |
Searchable History and Context |
Yes |
Yes |
Public by Default |
Yes |
Yes |
Calendar |
Yes |
Yes |
OneNote |
No |
Yes |
Files |
No |
Yes |
For more information please see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/create-groups/compare-groups?view=o365-worldwide.
If - after reviewing the above chart - you still wish to request a Shared (Department) Mailbox, read on.
Request a new department mailbox
To request a new department mailbox, fill out the Mailbox Request Form.
Department Mailbox Permissions
Have your supervisor give you the appropriate role and permissions within Role Manager in order to access a mailbox. Being an administrator of the role will not give you permission to access a mailbox, instead a user (including supervisors and other role administrators) must be added to the role in order to access the mailbox. Keep in mind these requested changes may take up to 30 minutes to take effect.
How to access the new mailbox
Outlook web access
1. Select the Email tab after signing in at http://my.byui.edu.
2. Select your user profile icon in the top-right corner of the window.

3. From the drop-down menu that appears, select Open another mailbox.

4. Enter the department email address. Select Open.

New Outlook desktop Client
Note: These steps apply to both the web and app versions of Outlook
1. Log into Outlook with the account that has access to the shared email.
2. Right click on your email address (or "Folders" if you don't see your email in the side bar) and then select "Add shared folder or mailbox."

3. In the popup, enter the shared email.

4. Click "Add"

5. You will now be able to view both your personal byui email and the shared email in the left hand menu
In the Outlook app, you may need to expand the "Shared with me" section to see the email you just added.

If you are on the Outlook website, the shared email will be below "Search Folders".

6. If you do not have access to the email, the email will show up in your side menu, but then show the below error when it is clicked on. You will need to talk to your supervisor about getting access.

Old Outlook desktop Client
When opening Outlook for the first time:
1. You will be prompted to enter the email you wish to use. Enter yourdepartmentemail@byui.edu and select Next.
2. After about 30 seconds, a dialog box will pop-up. When prompted to enter credentials, enter yourusername@byui.edu and your password. Do not forget to check the box that says Remember my credentials before selecting OK or pressing Enter on your keyboard.
If you already have an account in Outlook, but want to add a second account/email:
1. Select the File menu.

2. Select Add Account.

3. Enter the address of the account you want to access, then select Connect.

4. After about 30 seconds, a dialog box will pop-up. When prompted to enter credentials, enter yourusername@byui.edu and your password. Do not forget to check the box that says Remember my credentials before selecting OK or pressing Enter on your keyboard.

1. Select the Tools menu.

2. Select Accounts.

3. Click the + icon at the bottom left corner. Select New Account.

4. Enter the address of the account you want to access, then select Continue.

5. A dialog box will appear. When prompted, enter your username and password for your BYU-Idaho account, then select Login.

6. A box will appear notifying that your account has been opened.
In order to access a department email on your mobile device, use Outlook mobile.
How to Send Emails from a Shared Email Address
1. Click "New Mail" in the top left

2. In the "From" section, open the drop down menu and click "Other email address"

3. Type in the email address you want your email sent from

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