My Recently Visited Services
This form is to petition for an exception to the university tuition refund policy. You must have OFFICIALLY dropped your course(s) during the semester for which you are petitioning. BYU-Idaho does not drop courses for nonpayment or nonattendance. Refunds cannot be given for courses in which students have recorded grades. Petitions must be submitted within one year of original tuition assessment. Please submit this petition with all supporting documentation. Incomplete petitions and petitions lacking supporting documentation will not be considered.
Please allow 1 to 2 business days to complete this process.
Centre Square is organizing a White Elephant gift exchange on Friday, December 1st, at 7:00 PM in Building 3's Main Lounge, where participants are required to sign up by Thursday, using the provided link.
This service is for Centre Square residents who will be requesting to store their items in Building 1 or Building 3 Student Storage.
You will have 5 calendar days to fill out your petition and submit it. Please make sure it is in final form with any attachments you would like the committee to review. You will not be able to make changes once it is submitted. When you submit your filled out petition, our office will send it to your sponsor for review. Your sponsor will be invited to make additional comments. They will have 5 calendar days to review and make comments. After 5 calendar days, the sponsor will no longer be able to see your petition request or make comments. Your petition will then move forward for committee review. It may take up to 2 weeks for your final response from committee review.
This service is for students who wish to shoot a video on campus.
This form is for all Centre Square residents who would like to request and apply a discount to one of their future contracts.
If your tour group has any prospective students, newly admitted students or would like a virtual tour please visit this site.
All tour requests need to have 2 business day advanced notice or we will not be able to schedule your tour.
Propose your ideas for a new component to be considered for development in Pagebuilder.
This form is for the BSC employees to share insights, feedback and improvement ideas about the BSC to the BSC leadership. **Please note that all feedback is appreciated and will be reviewed, but it is simply not feasible to implement all of the feedback we get. Thanks!
This is an anonymous training survey. Please fill this out after you have completed your training. We hope to use this data to continue to improve our current and future trainings. Thank you!
This service will be used to allow Centre Square residents to submit work orders to management.
Please submit any bugs or issues that you are having with any existing Pagebuilder components.
This service is for on campus students who would like to attend their off-track semester. (This form will not defer a semester)
This form is for any current or prospective resident who wishes to purchase a Break contract at Centre Square. By completing this form, you are essentially signing a Break contract and will be responsible for the charge to occupy your apartment.