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Use this form to report any accessibility related barriers with digital content.

Use this form to request specific information regarding your personal BYU-I finance account.

Please fill out the information below to audit a course

This is a form used to request campus tours.

Use this form to request the Canadian tax form that shows all tuition and textbook payments for the year. These requests can take up to 2-3 business days to process.

Physical mail forwarding request for those in Centre Square

Use this form to request to drop a concurrent or co-requisite class.

This is the form used for contacting BYU-Idaho.

Use this form to request the e-check option return or a fee or hold be removed from your account after a failed payment.

Use this form to request an exception to either live in or outside of BYU-Idaho Approved Housing.

This form is used to request international student deferment.

Use this form to request your international deposit be refunded.

This form is for request internship or student teaching grant.