Popular Services
Use this form to request your 1098-T form that the system has said is "unavailable."
You can fill out and save an electronic copy of your W-9S Form at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9s.pdf to attach to your request.
Use this form to request an exception to take a course that you currently do not qualify to register for (due to pre-requisites, requirements, or the class being full).
Please fill out the information below to audit a course
Please fill out this form to see if you qualify for your courses to be reinstated
Use this form to request to drop a concurrent or co-requisite class.
Use this form to request your international deposit be refunded.
This form is for request internship or student teaching grant.
Use this form to apply for an exception to the credit limit for your major.
Use this form to request an exception to either live in or outside of BYU-Idaho Approved Housing.
Use this form to inform the university of a missing item that was lost on campus.
Use this form to report any accessibility related barriers with digital content.
Use this form to notify BYU-Idaho that you have been approved for a student loan from a private bank or credit union.
Students can use this form to request that the decision on a previous complaint be reconsidered.
Use this form to request help with accessible materials
Physical mail forwarding request for those in Centre Square
This form is used to order Ricks College transcripts from 1983 or before.
Registration Block Removal Request - for classes not in your major.
This form is used to request international student deferment.
This is a form used to request notarization of documents.