Unavailable 1098-T Request

Prior to submitting an Unavailable 1098-T Request, please do the following:

  1. Check to see if a 1098-T form is already available to you. The IRS deadline requires the University to publish and distribute 1098-T forms for the previous tax year no later than January 31st. Your tax form may already be available in your BYU-I student portal. Once published, you can find it by going to https://www.byui.edu/financial-services/student-financials/tax-information/1098-t-form and clicking the ‘Access your 1098-T’ button.


  1. The date of your request is after January 31st and prior to March 31st when requesting forms for the previous tax year. Because the University has until January 31st to publish and distribute 1098-T forms for the previous tax year, the forms are typically not available prior to that date. We are only able to accommodate requests until March 31st to allow time for our final file to be generated, checked for errors, and submitted to the IRS before our tax filing deadline.


  1. Verify that your name and SSN/ITIN in your BYU-I student portal matches the information on your IRS documents. If there is a mismatch or you have not been issued a SSN/ITIN, a form cannot be generated for you until this has been resolve. To verify your information, log in to your BYU-I student portal and access your profile page. To update your name or SSN, submit a change request directly from your student profile or contact Student Records and Registration. If you need to provide an ITIN instead of a SSN, please complete and attach a W-9S form below.


  1. Verify that you made a payment and earned a non-W grade during the tax year. If you did not meet both criteria, a form cannot be generated for you. Please do not submit an Unavailable 1098-T Request.

Once your request has been submitted, you will receive an email notification to your BYU-I email. Requests are processed in the order that they are received, and we do our best to complete them within 2-3 business days. Upon completion, you will be notified via email and given instructions on how to access your form.