PowerPoint Live


  • PowerPoint Live is readily available and seems extremely useful to professor or anyone else who would use ppt slides during a Teams meeting. It is very smoothly integrated and works well.
  • Viewers can navigate slides forward, back, and Sync to Presenter without affecting presenter or other users.
  • Links in slides are clickable links.


  1. Create/start a meeting
  2. Once in the meeting click on the share icon in the top right
  3. There will an option near the bottom that says "PowerPoint Live." Click on it.
  4. It will give you a list of suggested presentations from you files or you can browse your computer yourself to find which one you will need. The presentation will need to be downloaded on the computer you are using as far as I understand.
  5. Once you are presenting you can use the arrow keys to move between slides or click on the list at the bottom to move to a specific slide. Participants will only see the current slide.
  6. When you are finished, simply stop sharing in the top left

Interaction options:

  • Laser Pointer
  • Ink
    • Pen
    • Highlighter
    • Eraser
  • Normal cursor



Article ID: 13398
Thu 7/13/23 12:01 PM
Thu 7/13/23 12:02 PM