Portfolium is a smart portfolio platform for BYU-Idaho students and staff.
Setting up your Portfolium account is easy! If you haven’t received a welcome email with login instructions from BYU-Idaho, use the instructions listed below to create an account.
1. Go to portfolium.com.
2. Select Log In, and then Student ePortfolio, located in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
3. Enter your BYU-Idaho email address.
4. Portfolium will tell you that you already have an account provided by BYU-Idaho. Select MYBYUI LOGIN.
5. You will be taken to the BYU-Idaho login page. Enter your BYU-Idaho username and password.
6. Select Start Now.
7. You will be asked a series of questions to get your portfolio started. Enter a list of skills you possess or select from the suggested skills.
8. Enter the names of friends, teammates, and classmates from your university.
9. Upload your resume or select Next to add a resume later.
10. Your account is now created. You will be taken to your home page.
In the future, you will need to select MYBYUI LOGIN when asked for your password in order to log into Portfolium. To create a password unique to Portfolium, go to Settings, then Password. |
Contact Us
If you still need help, call us at (208) 496-9009 or start a Live Chat with us.
Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM, Sat 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Mountain Time
(excluding weekly devotional, forum hour, and University Recognized holidays)