Search13 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request support with a computer located in a classroom or lab.

Get the required information for Additional Computer request.

This is to request a computer system set up for a new full time employee at BYU-Idaho.

Request a virtual desktop instance.

Place a request for a used computer or device (Trickle computer/device).

Use this form to request admin rights on a university owned computer.

Please complete the following form to request an additional computer monitor for your workstation.

Request support on a printing machine on-campus.

Request support for any device that is located in a classroom, lab, or conference room.

Request access to BYU-Idaho's VPN.

• Microsoft Visio Licenses
• Microsoft Project Licenses

Please use this request form any additional classroom needed hardware

Based on your yes/no answer to various questions, additional dropdown questions will appear below.