Communication Path
Communication paths for product changes and emergencies,…
- When do the owner, stakeholders, employees and students need to be notified?
- Path for back end issue - upgrades, bugs, ...
- Path for Interface issue - upgrades, bugs, ...
- Emergencies (major, minor)
The process for incident/maintenance communication for I-Learn products and the roles of portfolio managers and system owners is highlighted in the IT Incident Management and IT Change Management documents which are linked here.
Academic VP’s and associate VP’s, Campus and Online Portfolio Managers – this group will decide if it needs to be communicated to campus and online.
BYUI Lead Developer and manager responsible to the product.
Product Owner
The person who can make the ultimate decisions for the product - funding, road map, vision, governance and retirement.
- Please include name, email, phone, job title.
JoAnna Bradshaw
(208) 496-1031
Operations Manager Student Records and Registration
A person or group of people who have an interest in the product and its success. Can influence product decisions. Are impacted (directly or indirectly) by the product. e.g. requester, department, developer, ASE, portfolio manager, product manager
- Please include name, email, phone, job title.
Platform Services Director
ASE List:
Dane Bohman - / 208-496-7217
Ben Wilson - / 208-496-1550
Amber Gneiting - / 208-496-7015
Director, Software Engineering
Portfolio Management
Academics Product Manager
Who will use the product? (campus, online, pathway, Ensign, employees - more specific like - nursing students, specific department or course(s))
Online, Campus |
- Purchaser and requester information - name, email, phone
- Licensing (description of the license agreement - site license, per user, per computer, ...)
- How is the license renewed?
- Next renewal date?
- When should this product be reviewed again for purpose and outcome? Usually, this happens every 3-5 years.
- BYUI Purchasing Agent - name, email, phone
Licensing Contract (How many licenses were purchased for the product?)
Who is the contract contact? (Purchasing Department)
What is the technology use cap of this product?
- Product documentation (URL)
- Support and/or training documentation (URL)
- ASE - maintenance needs and yearly maintenance estimate
- Any custom code developed? (where can it be found)
- Is this ADA compliant (URL to their official vendor statement)
- Other
April 2, 2019
Reproducible bugs with the exception of performance complaints from the Fall 2018 semester will be addressed. A new development cycle will be scheduled for after Brightspace is no longer used. Inter CES enrollment bugs and workflow may not be addressed leaving manual steps to submit and retrieve grades. Complete checklist on the definition of the done tab. This code is frozen until the fall semester -
- Give description of all data and how it interacts with the university systems.
- List all university systems used.
- Installation instructions - URL or direction how to find the instructions.
- Who is responsible for installation - please include email, phone, job title.
D2L and Canvas grade data (Student names, enrollments, inumbers, grades) to the web app
OSM, CRM, CX student enrollment, teacher enrollment and section information to the web app
Grade information from web app to CX
Push Destination
Pull Source