Backing Up Folders to OneDrive (Windows)


-Backup Folders to OneDrive



  • Backing up folders to OneDrive (Windows)


  • Microsoft OneDrive

Resolution for Tier 1

If OneDrive is not already installed, it will need to be downloaded from:

Once downloaded and installed:

  • Click on the Cloud icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. This will show files and their status. 

  • Click on the cog in the top right, then "Settings."

  • This screen will pop up. Go to the "Sync and Backup" tab then click "Manage backup."

  • Select which folders you want on your OneDrive then click "Save Changes."

  • You can view sync progress by clicking on the button.

  • This is how it will look on the screen. You can see the status of the files and if OneDrive is syncing anything or if it is up to date.

  • Your files will now be backed up to the OneDrive server, and you can access them from any computer by going to clicking on the Cloud and "View Online".


If you have tried all the troubleshooting and you are still not able to assist the requestor  do the following  for Issues with OneDrive:

  • Create a ticket for Messaging/ Email/ Zoom/ Google/ G Suite (Tier 3)



Article ID: 6339
Thu 4/2/20 1:15 PM
Mon 5/6/24 2:09 PM

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