Emailing a Print Station


- How to email to print
- Email a print station to print documents


All printers require you to pay with money on your I-Card. 

If you need to use a printer on campus, one of the ways you can send a print job is to email a document to be printed by a printer near you.

For printer locations, visit Printer Types, Locations, & Software

1. Sign in to your school or personal email account. 

2. Open a new email message. 

New email message

3. Add the document to be printed as an attachment. The attachment must be smaller than 52.4 MB. Supported file types include: 

  • Microsoft Word 
  • Excel 
  • PowerPoint 
  • PDF 
  • Image 
  • Text (CSV, RFT, & TXT) 
  • Visio 
If your file is not in a supported format, you can export it as a PDF to attach to the email.

Attach button

4. Email the print job:          

Enter To email

5. Sign in to the print release station using your BYU-Idaho username. 

  • NOTE: Old BYUI students/employees who had to link their BYUI and church accounts will use their BYUI credentials to log in. New students/employees (accepted their track assignment or started working after February 12) did not create BYUI credentials, and so they will use their church credentials to log in.

6. Swipe your I-Card. This will identify the account you wish to use to pay for the print job. 

7. Select and print your print jobs. 

 The first time you successfully use this service from an email account, you will receive a response asking you to register that email with your BYU-Idaho account. Multiple emails can be registered to your BYU-Idaho account for mobile printing. There is no need to resend the attachment after you register your email account. 

Contact Us

If you still need help, call us at (208) 496-9009 or start a Live Chat with us.

Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM, Sat 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Mountain Time

(excluding weekly devotional, forum hour and University Recognized holidays)



Article ID: 11688
Wed 10/19/22 3:48 PM
Thu 2/27/25 1:04 PM