Important Dates
The Important Dates component pulls from a pre-existing Ingeniux folder containing dates and event pages, or it can use an RSS feed.
To Edit
- Make sure you are in the editing mode, and then click on the Important Dates component on your page.
- Write in your desired heading in the “Heading” field. “Important Dates” is standard, but not a required title.
- Choose a source.
- Feed—Use the pasted in RSS feed.
- Navigation—Use the xID to a folder that holds event pages, or the xID of a single event page.
- Unless you need to edit the source fields, skip down to the orientation field.
- Select a visual orientation for the Important Dates component, either vertical or horizontal.
- Select the number of lines, or events, that you wish for the Important Dates component to hold.
- If you’re editing the component in the “Design” option, select the “Apply Changes” button. If you’re editing the component in the “Edit” option, changes will happen automatically.
- Save your work.
Editing the Sources Fields
You can only choose to have one source selected at a time, but you can keep the sources fields filled out and saved to specific preferences.
Editing the Navigation
- Select the type of page you wish to pull from. Typically the selection “Children” is used.
- Insert the xID for the starting page. Usually, this will contain the xID of the folder used to contain all of the Children event pages.
- Max Nodes is usually left alone—but the number you specify here will control how many items the Important Dates component will return. Specifying a number can be useful when there are dozens, and hundreds, of events kept in an event folder.
- Max depth is also usually left alone—but the number you specify here will control how far the component will pull dates. Specifying a number can be useful when there are dozens, and hundreds, of events kept in an event folder.
Editing the RSS Feed
- Find the RSS feed you wish to pull dates from.
- Copy that RSS feed’s URL
- Paste the URL into the RSS feed’s field.