Authenticated Pages


Pages on may be protected or hidden from the general public using authenticated pages. In order to access certain pages on, users will have to provide login credentials. If those users aren't authorized, they will be unable to view or edit these pages and will be directed to a generalized page, which would state that they are not authorized. 

Image of a login request for the BYU-Idaho homepage, stating that you don't have the credentials or haven't logged in.

Please note that you can only authenticate one page at a time through Ingeniux. To authenticate a large set of pages or entire sites, they should be on the Intranet ( (Sharepoint).


The following roles or audiences are supported on Ingeniux:

  • Alumni 
  • Employees 
  • Faculty 
  • Staff 
  • Students 
  • Members (any of the above)

To apply authentication on a page:

*Please Note: Only a handful of people can authenticate pages on the BYU-Idaho website. If you want to authenticate a page, please contact Jeffrey Dunster at 208-496-2090.

  1. Check out a page on Ingeniux.
  2. Click on the "Categorize" tab on the toolbar.

Image of authenticating pages in Ingeniux 10.

  1. Expand the "Site Functionality" branch of terms at the bottom of the list.
  2. Expand the "Secure" branch of terms.
  3. Select which audience roles you want to apply and drag them from "Available Categories" to "Associated Categories".
  4. Save the changes and check the page back in.
  5. Once the page is live, visitors without the correct credentials will be redirected to a generalized page.


The authenticated page feature protects specific pages with sensitive information from being seen by the general public. If users want to access the information, they will need to input their login credentials.


Only specific pages should be authenticated on a website. This feature is not meant to authenticate many pages at a time. To authenticate a large set of pages or entire sites, go to the Intranet (

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Article ID: 2633
Wed 5/10/17 8:54 AM
Wed 3/7/18 8:47 AM